Band 88
Vocabulum et Vocabularium 17: Materialien der internationalen Tagung „Wspólczesne problemy leksykografii“, Warszawa, 20.–21. Mai 2021. Herausgegeben von Volodymyr Dubichynskyi und Tilmann Reuther

Отбор терминологических единиц для глоссария предметной области Sozialarbeit

Veröffentlicht am 08.03.2023


  • corpus lexicography,
  • selection of terms in the dictionary,
  • sample population of terms,
  • glossary,
  • social work


The article examines the possibilities offered by the selection of terminological units drawn from a corpus of German-Russian texts in the field of social work for the compilation of a glossary of frequent collocations. Qualitative and quantitative principles for the definition of terminological units are described, as are the questions of discourse boundaries, of algorithms for generating a general totality and a sampling frame, and of problems in the selection of relevant terminological units. The corpus approach, as a modern tool for modelling vocabulary resources, is employed to compile the glossary at the stage of the selection of terminological units from the texts.


Kantysheva, N. (2023) “Отбор терминологических единиц для глоссария предметной области Sozialarbeit”, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 88, pp. 109–120. doi:10.5282/vbs6c161.